The Name Game

What do you call a project when it doesn't have a name? 

We're genuinely asking since for the last couple weeks we used whatever descriptors our brains could throw us from 'our game' to 'the slashy one'. However, we have that problem no longer! This project has been dubbed DEITY'S FORM, though it is still subject to change. We wanted this to communicate the power of the protagonist while also alluding to the transformation mechanic in the gameplay.  Most ideas left on the cutting room floor for the title tended to be references to the protagonists imprisonment and/or their break out but we felt they were either too generic or didn't give off the right vibe for the game.

Beyond writing down two words and feeling proud of ourselves for it, our Art team has been hard at working getting some concept art and sprites ready for a deliverable vertical slice in the coming few weeks. Some examples of the Player character's possible looks are below! We wanted to go for an Ancient Egyptian inspired style of clothing for the protagonist, focusing on warm colours for them and things friendly to the player. For our enemy design, we wanted them to have this sense of decadence and superiority about them, going with colder blues, silvers and golds for their clothing.

The protagonist's design has changed a bit from these pieces of concept art, however. The shapeshifting mechanic lead us to ask ourselves why we pictured them being so humanoid and have since started working on adding animalistic traits to the Player Character. Their different forms will have them take on a corresponding animals features, ones we felt matched the abilities of the specific form.

As far as programming goes, we're hard at work implementing pickups, randomisation and other Roguelike elements to have a nice slathering of game to go with our gameplay. We've also made a large amount of progress on creating some audio assets to add other forms of feedback for the player besides visual. Progress is chugging along as early design and admin duties keep progress measured.

Get Deity's Form Beta (v1.0)

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